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Apex Detective Agency Pvt. Ltd.

Our Services


Apex Detective Agency – Your Trusted Provider of Private and Corporate Investigations in Delhi, Apex Detective Agency, an established firm in 

private and corporate investigations. 

Pre-Matrimonial Investigation

Pre-Matrimonial Investigation

Life partners' doubtful behaviors give rise to Pre-marital disagreements. Suspicion even leads to the breakdown of some marriages.
Post-Matrimonial Investigation

Post-Matrimonial Investigation

Post-matrimonial investigation Services provided by Apex Detective Agency in Delhi India to gather information about a spouse's activities.
Extramarital Affair Investigation

Extramarital Affair Investigation

Extramarital affairs is a sensitive and complex matter that should be approached with discretion, legality, and ethical considerations.
Divorce Case Investigation

Divorce Case Investigation

Divorce case investigations by Apex Detective Agency in Delhi India serve an essential role in helping parties involved in Divorce proceedings obtain valuable information for their legal battles.
Missing Person Investigation

Missing Person Investigation

Apex Detective Agency in Delhi India, carefully evaluates the results and any findings. We consider our next step based on the information obtained and any recommendations by Our Spy’s.
Person Background Check

Person Background Check

When it comes to conducting silent and successful still operations in Delhi, Apex Detective Agency is the trusted agency. We are ready to uncover the facts you need with thorough still operations.

Corporate Detective Services

Private Investigator – Your Trusted Provider of Private and Corporate Investigations in Delhi, Apex Detective Agency, an established firm in private and corporate investigations. 

Pre- Employment Investigation

Pre- Employment Investigation

Pre-Employment investigations conducted by Apex Detective Agency in Delhi India. This initiative underscores our commitment to ensuring the safety, security of our workplace environment.
Post- Employment Investigation

Post- Employment Investigation

The purpose of the Post-Employee Screening investigation was to gather information regarding the activities and whereabouts of an employee after their termination from the company.
Asset Tracing Verification

Asset Tracing Verification

Asset tracing services locate and identify company or individual held asset such real state property, ownership, other income sources with liabilities bankrupt, fraud in taxes.
Due Diligence Investigation

Due Diligence Investigation

Apex Detective Agency has provided valuable insights into This report aims to assist Corporate Companies in making informed decisions regarding their engagement with the subject.
Under Cover Operation

Under Cover Operation

The undercover investigation conducted by Private Detective Agency. The objective of this investigation was to gather discreet and actionable intelligence on specific targets.
Fraud Investigation

Fraud Investigation

Apex Detective Agency provides comprehensive Insurance and Fraud Investigation Services to Individuals, Business houses and organizations to give you justice against any scam.

Our Expertise, Your Trust

Apex Detectives helps you to Solve your personal & business matters

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Apex Detective Agency Logo

Apex Detective Agency is private Detective Agency in Delhi India having an expertise of It was established in 2000 secret private investigation and confidential detective services to people, lawyers, partnerships, organizations, insurance agencies, government, money related establishments, and so on. Our broad experience, preparing and information give the triumphant edge.

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